Pay Taxes with MobileMoney Making your life Easy
MobileMobile represents an easy medium for people to pay their taxes and fees for government services. With MobileMoney you do not need to have an Internet connection to pay your taxes. Just dail *144# for ORANGE and *156# for LONESTAR MTN
Fact Sheet

How to use your LoneStar MTN
How to use your Orange

Screen 1
1) Send Money
2) Airtime and Bundles
3) MoMoPay
4) PayBills
5) Cash Out
6) Savings and Loan
7) Financial Instituion
8) Manage Account
Screen 5
if your chose 2) Non Tax Fees then you need to have
TIN Number
to proceed and complete the transaction
Screen 2
Pay Bills
1) Utilities
2) PayTV Bill
3) School Fees Payment
4) Pay Taxes and Fees
5) Betting and Gaming
6) Online Payments
7) Merchant Payments
0) Back
Screen 3
Welcome to LRA Tax
Payment Service
Select Type of payment
1) Taxes (TIN required)
1) Non Tax Fees (Licenses and Registration Fees)
Please note that selection of either would lead to the pay of funds to the government
Screen 4
if your chose 1) Taxes then you need to have
Enter TIN
to proceed and complete the transaction

Screen 3
1) Taxes (TIN required)
1) Non Tax Fees (Licenses and Registration Fees)
0) Back
Please note that selection of either would lead to the pay of funds to the government
Screen 4
if your chose 1) Taxes then you need to have
Enter TIN number
to proceed and complete the transaction
Screen 1
Select Currency Wallet
1) USD
2) LRD
Screen 2
Welcome to Orange Money
1: Send Money
2: Buy Airtime
2: Buy Bundles
3: Buy LEC
5: Pay Taxes and Fees
3: Pay with orange Money
7: Bank Services
8: My Account
9: Help
0) Back
00) Home
Screen 2
Welcome to Orange Money
1: Send Money
2: Buy Airtime
2: Buy Bundles
3: Buy LEC
5: Pay Taxes and Fees
3: Pay with orange Money
7: Bank Services
8: My Account
9: Help
0) Back
00) Home